Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So much has happened these past months. Even after you've realized that internal struggle is the most important and keeping thoughts and feelings in check is utmost, you falter. Stumble.

My anger towards my office colleagues reached unmanageable proportions to the extent that I was seething within. Every time I reminded myself that its their world, its 'their' life, there was a sense of space between my wrathful thoughts and 'me'. The key I think is to increase that space. A very very important lesson learnt was not to have any 'role' models. Not to look  up to someone too much. Admire from a distance , nod, smile, move on. Take what is relevant. Not adhering to this landed me in big trouble.

My great granny passed away a couple of days ago. 24th night to be precise.The most remarkable thing about my granny was her mental agility at that age.Her memory, her presence of mind, her wit.She'll be greatly missed.

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